Okay, here it goes! What a blur of a week. One of the greatest things about homeschooling is you get to take trips anytime you want! My mom had asked me to come down for a mother/daughter shopping trip that her church was going on! Well, of course the girls and I would come...who passes down a shopping trip? We would ride the train from Fresno to Hanford (30 min), have ice cream at Superior Dairy (been around since my dad was a little boy!) and then go shopping! I also needed to get Sean's cavity filled (story to come next) with my Dad in-law...the dentist!!!! So the kids and I piled into our Suburban and drove to Fresno for a nice, relaxing visit with the grandparents. I love visiting with my folks. They take such good care of me. My dad does not let me do a dish and he is always there ready to walk all the way outside to throw a dirty diaper away! Jeff stayed home to put in our new (new to us but ripped out of my in-laws home) wood floor! He could get a lot done without kids here! So we would stay until Monday! We had a blast on the train. Rebekah was glued to the window. She would also say "choo choo" when the train whistle blew! The ice cream was delicious and I found some fabulous clothes at a great consignment shop!!! The day was successful. Monday, we went to Reedley, where my in-laws live, and got Sean's tooth taken care of. He goes to a dentist here in town but she frightened him. Sean picks up on adult talk very well. The dentist was trying to ask me if he would need laughy gas for his tooth filling. This is a pediatric dentist and she is very used to children that don't behave. She asked me in such a way that Sean thought she was going to surgically remove his head!!! She really should have pulled me out of the room to ask me. After all the filling was tiny. I said he wouldn't need the gas but she almost insisted on it. I didn't want my son to be afraid of the dentist for ever so I called Gene and asked if he could do it! He didn't even have to numb Sean's tooth up! It was that small! When Grampa was done Sean said, "Was that all?"
Right before we came down, I was talking to my mom about how I never can get anything done. Things get done...superficially, but nothing gets done completly. With all of the extra things that I have going on it sure would be nice to have some time without kids. I have not been without atleast one child for any amount of time for over 3 months! She said she would take the kids if I could wait until Tues. to leave. We have to go down the following weekend for a family get together for Jeff's family, so we would pick the kids up on Friday and go to my in-laws for the next weekend!
The days have been perfect! I had lunch with a friend on Wed, another friend on Thurs, settled some convention stuff and some carnival stuff. Helped Jeff put in the wood floor (he got sick while we were gone and did not do as much as he wanted to...however, he did do some!!!!) Planned for next year, ordered some curriculum, did the kids report cards and other paper work, cleaned and re-organized the schoolroom, had soushi with JEff, etc....The only thing I didn't get done was to clean the house. On Friday, after I had packed I came down with what Jeff had last weekend. I couldn't go with Jeff to pick the kids up and go to the family get together. I have been on the couch for 2 days and I am ready for this house to not be quiet anymore. I am really missing the kids. They were supposed to come home tonight but Jeff was too tired to drive home.(taking care of 4 kids in someone elses home will do that to you! He said that Rebekah woke up at 5:30am screaming for me! Agh, it's good for him!!!) Can't wait to see them and start a normal routine again now that I am caught up on everything and my house is organized. I started feeling better this afternoon so I cleaned the part of the house that hasn't been affected by the floor project...so now I am really caught up. Isn't it amazing what you can get done without those wonderful interuptions. Life would sure be boring if I didn't have those interuptions to keep me relying on the One that blessed me with those interuption makers! It truly is nice to have some time alone in my own home but now they can come back!!!!!! Hurry!!!!